Writer Sarah Akines interviews author Scott Hawkins in our latest Interbrews episode to talk about his first book, The Library at Mount Char, how he got into writing and publication, and how Stephen King poops out books like muffins.
Listen here:
In this episode we talk with Scott about:
How long it took him to get into publication
His original title and technical books he’s published
The importance of Beta readers and writing workshops
How languages shape our worldview
Character development and background sketches
The importance of having a great, successful first novel
How do authors balance the discipline of writing with the rest of their life? The Brew & Ink crew discuss the different ways that we try to stay consistent with writing with jobs, families, and more.
Then it’s time for the throw down! Katie drew the genre of Fairy Tale and Britt (MB) Mooney Legends, and both had to use the title “Strongbow.” Listen to their flash fiction stories and then go to our website or here on our FB page to vote for your favorite!
In this episode:
How do you stay consistent with your writing?
How do you prioritize time to write in the midst of family and other responsibilities?
Why is the balance of writing and the rest of your life important?