Don’t give up! In every great success story, the person has several chances to quit … but they don’t. Why is resiliency important in a writing career? How can we keep going? Listen to the discussion and then hear Steven share Aboard the Slagtree, ch 7 of Singularity. Listen and Vote!
In this episode:
What does it mean to be resilient?
Why is it hard to persevere as a writer?
Why is resiliency so important in any pursuit?
Why is it especially important for writers?
How can we stay resilient and keep going?
Why is it important to give ourselves permission and grace?
Agents and publishers talk with authors about platform, but what is “borrowed platform”? Listen as Britt Mooney and Steven Faletti discuss the importance of networking, being generous, and connecting with others to help with “borrowed platform”. Then author MB Mooney shares The Pirates, ch 6 of the sci fi story Singularity. Listen and vote!
Listen now:
In this episode:
What is platform?
Why is it important?
What is borrowed platform?
How do you get borrowed platform?
What is the importance of networking and being generous and kind in the industry?
Author MB Mooney shares chapter 6 of Singularity, called The Pirates.
Writers make promises and setups that need a “payoff” if we want to leave our readers with a great story. How is it done well? Why is it important? After the discussion, Steven Faletti shares Survivors, the next chapter of Singularity. Listen and vote for the direction of the next chapter!
Listen here:
In this episode:
What is a setup?
Why is it important to give it a payoff?
Why is it important to resolve all of our setups as writers?
How has it been done well?
What are some examples where it hasn’t been done well?
What are the pitfalls of a writers group? Steven Faletti and Britt Mooney discuss how to avoid the possible negatives in a writers group and how to improve or start one. Then Britt shares The Colony, Ch 4 of the sci fi adventure Singularity. Listen and VOTE for the next chapter of the story.
Listen here:
In this episode:
Why is a writers group important?
What are some of the ways a group can get off track?
What should be the focus of the writers group?
What are some of the major pitfalls?
Britt shares The Colony, Chapter 4 of Singularity.
What are the top writing tips we’ve ever received and put into action? Writers need wisdom and inspiration to continue in our stories and careers. Steven Faletti and Britt Mooney share their top two writing tips, advice that changed our writing journeys. Then Steven shares Singularity Ch 3 Tychomatter. Listen and vote for what will happen in the next installment of the story!
Listen here:
In this episode:
What are the top two writings tips we’ve received as writers?