Keep Up the Hustle
What an amazing Writers Chat session today! Kevin Buchanan, author of The World Needs Your Hustle, (available Jan 2016) shared his 4 Steps to Accomplishing ANY goal, and we shared why and how to use a word for your year’s resolution.
Check it out here:
Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. @kevinbuchanan
Kevin Buchanan’s 4 step system to accomplishing your goals:
- Get specific – What do you want? What is your goal? Now narrow it. Get even more specific to focus your on your goal.
- Determine your why. Why do you want to accomplish that goal? There is always a deeper reason WHY you want to accomplish your goal.
- Create an action plan. What can you do this week to get you closer to your goal?
- Celebrate your accomplishment! What can you do to reward yourself after 30 days.
What is your word of the year for 2016?
Mine is mogul.[Tweet “Helping others accomplish their goals helps you accomplish yours. Via @kevinbuchanan”]
Setting Goals
- Don’t announce a huge goal at the beginning of Jan
- Start from the smallest to the largest goal
- Starting small is ok because bigger opportunities will come
- Be realistic – you can’t do it all in one day
What do you have to do today to get you goals accomplished by the end of the year?