Genre Chat: How to Write and Publish Science Fiction and Fantasy with Rowena Kuo

Genre Chat: How to Write and Publish Science Fiction and Fantasy with Rowena Kuo

Rowena Kuo is the CEO and executive editor for Brimstone Fiction. She is also the Development Executive Producer for Lighthouse Productions of the Carolinas. With over 15 years of ministering to children, youth groups, young adults, women, and family groups, Rowena advocates for writers to build God-centered support systems consisting
of people, perseverance, practice, and most of all, prayer. She has written for Christian Devotions, Written World Communications, Splickety, and the 168 Write of Passage.
When not working on words or films, she is a full-time mom with secret aspirations for spaceflight.

Genre Chat – How to Write Christian Women’s Non-Fiction with Tina Yeager

Author, speaker, licensed counselor, and life coach, Tina has won over twenty-eight writing awards. She is passionate about guiding people across the threshold of healing to access life’s potential and has over twenty years of teaching experience. Two of her writing workshops are available through Serious Writer Academy. Tina is the publisher of Inkspirations Online, a writers’ devotional and mentors four chapters of Word Weavers International. Beautiful Warrior, her upcoming book on women’s esteem, is scheduled to release with New Hope Publishers in July of 2019. For the latest on Beautiful Warrior, or to connect with her as a speaker, coach, or manuscript therapist, visit

Click here to find Beautiful Warrior on Amazon!


Genre Chat – Self Publishing, Marketing and Mystery Location Novels with Molly Jo Realy

Genre Chat – Self Publishing, Marketing and Mystery Location Novels with Molly Jo Realy

Molly Jo Realy is an award-winning writer, editor, social media ninja and author coach. Nicknamed the Bohemian Hurricane, she encourages people to embrace their unique talents and gifts to come alive and celebrate life every day. Recently rooted in South Carolina, she celebrates with her family, her cats, a good cup of coffee, and an addiction to pens. Visit her blog and author website!

Click here to find NOLA on Amazon!

Genre Chat – How to Plot and Structure Your Novel with C.S. Lakin

Genre Chat – How to Plot and Structure Your Novel with C.S. Lakin

C.S. Lakin Bio: I’m a novelist, a copyeditor, a writing coach, a mom, a backpacker, and a whole bunch of other things. I love keeping busy, but I especially love writing, teaching, and helping writers. I’m the fiction track director at the prestigious San Francisco Writers’ Conference. I teach workshops on writing craft at writers’ conferences and retreats around the country. If your writers’ group would like to have me teach, drop me a line. I live in California, near San Francisco, just so you know how far away I am from you and your writer friends. I also have online video courses on writing, editing, and marketing.