The movie event of the year. What we’ve all been waiting for. A culmination the revolutionary 22 movies and marketing that built up to this. Listen as Steven and Britt give a SPOILER FILLED review of Avengers: Endgame.
Does a writer REALLY need to be involved in social media? If so, what should they do? Hear the different perspectives from the Brew & Ink writers on how we handle social media. Then Bill Hawkins shares character Blake Sheldon’s interview with Dr. Wolfe. Listen for more clues and then vote on who you think the murderer is!
In this episode:
Does an author need a separate presence on social media?
How is it different than personal social media accounts?
What kind of social media do we use?
Bill Hawkins reads the interview with Blake Sheldon?
Fitness and writers are two words that don’t often go together. A common joke among writers is “Q: How do you write a book? A: Bottom in chair.” Today we’re talking about how to get your rear out of the chair! It’s awesome to have April Carpenter with us sharing tips and resources to make sure we’re taking care of our bodies and not just sitting forever. Check out her Facebook page!
Exercise Pyramid
1. Stop sitting so much.
2. Choose the active way. Move 30 minutes every day. PLUS aerobic exercises each week.
Banish Excuses
“If you complain, you will remain.”
When I’m writing, I get on a roll and can’t stop.
What if inspiration strikes while I’m on a walk? I’ll forget it.
Use a recorder or voice memo on your phone in case inspiration strikes, can also type in notes.
Wear a running belt to run or walk to hold your phone and headphones
Massage therapists, physical therapists, and chiropractors
Good shoes *Bethany’s tip*
What are you afraid of? Time? Muscle soreness? Losing inspiration? Fear and faith demand hope without seeing.
Rhythms of Growth devotional
Develop Your Own Rule
Example: For every 20 minutes, drink 2-3 oz of water. For every hour of writing, I’m going to ________________.
God’s called you to do a work. You must take care of your instrument. Long-term, we need to be stretching every day. You lose flexibility every day that you don’t stretch.
Take care of the whole package.
Mind, body, and spirit. Relax. Eat healthy and yummy snacks: Kind bars, Pop chips, Larabars